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February 25, 2010


Why are so many people cheating these days? Would you tell your close friend if you knew their partner was cheating on them? Would that effect your friendship? Do you know someone who is cheating? Go ahead, anonymously post their names here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it has a lot to do with the way people were raised. If you grew up in a house where marriage was seen as a beautiful thing and something that required work and respect, then you will carry that into your own relationships. If you seen your mother or father back and forth with different men or women, then I think that may carry on to your adult relationships as well.
Sometimes I think it's best to tell a friend if you know their significant other is cheating, but it depends on how close of a friend that is. If that friend is someone that is going to go back to the cheater anyways, then I would not tell.