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February 24, 2010

Domestic Abuse

Do you know anyone who is a victim of verbal, mental, or physical abuse? Should you try to help a friend get out of an abusive relationship? What if the man is the one that is being abused? Why do we laugh at men who are abused, but feel sympathy for women?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I survived abuse. It was mental financial emotional and eventually became physical. I made excuses for him. I always hoped he would turn back into the person he was when i first met him. After awhile i began to strike back. I mean literally. He hurt me so deeply that i wanted to hurt him back. So I began sleeping with other men staying out all night not being the person that he found when he found me. This relationship was so bad that i lost focus of who i was and eventually my one and only child was taken away from me. Thank God that my family stepped in. And even after my son was taken away i continued to be with this man. One day my father came to me in a dream. He's no longer alive. He told me he was so disappointed in the choices i've made. When i woke up that's when i knew that i had to make my decision to be done with it once and for all. Now i cant tell you that it was easy. Because an abuser is also good at manipulation. After 5 years of hell and finally making that decision i got pregnant. Believe me i wanted to do whatever possible not to be linked with this man for the rest of my life. But God brought me threw it. My daughter is my blessing and not my curse. I had to let my abuser go. But not only that i had to forgive him and myself for those choices. I pray for men and women everyday that are still going threw and pray that they come out alive.