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February 24, 2010

Bad Sex?

Is it possible to have bad sex? Have you ever had bad sex? How did you handle it? Would you tell someone if they sucked in bed?


Anonymous said...

I have been with someone for awhile and I love with person but the sex is not that good. I have had great sex before and it was with my ex. Maybe its cuz I was really 100% in love with him I dont really know. I wish sex was better with my guy. Im just turned off by somne of the things he does. Plus he could stand to lose some pounds I think maybe that has something to do with it also. I do however think bout the sex me and my x had alot!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know some sex is bad.Thats why Tiger had all of those bitches. He likes pussy like most men. All pussy ain't the same neither is DICK

Anonymous said...

YES there is bad sex! And it always starts out like it's going to be good and you are all excited and then it's a huge letdown. I know there is no way I could be in a realtionship with some one and we had bad sex. It would be to tempting to cheat plus I behave better if the sex is good lol. And to the first person that commented tell him/her what you don't like! Some people need to be shown the way to your pleasure.